DENGUE FEVER Dengue is a viral fever transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito.Dengue...
Dr Ghosh Charitable Trust
Under the aegis of Dr Siddhartha Ghosh, DGCT was formed with the motto that every human being, irrespective of socio-economic background, should have access to quality lifesaving healthcare and medical treatment.
Swine flu / H1N1 is caused by Influenza A virus.It causes epidemics and pandemics mainly during winter since 2009 when this strain was first discovered.Reassortment of Influenza virus occurs leading to the origination of new strains.Uncomplicated Influenza : Mild upper respiratory tract illness...
DENGUE FEVER Dengue is a viral fever transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito.Dengue virus has 4 serotypes. Serotypes 1,2 are common in India and can cause severe infection.A person can get infected with one or more serotypes in his/her lifetime.Secondary dengue infection is more severe...
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