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  • Swine flu / H1N1 is caused by Influenza A virus.
  • It causes epidemics and pandemics mainly during winter since 2009 when this strain was first discovered.
  • Reassortment of Influenza virus occurs leading to the origination of new strains.
  • Uncomplicated Influenza : Mild upper respiratory tract illness and diarrhea.
  • Complicated Influenza : Occurs in high risk groups manifesting as secondary bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, CNS involvement and multi organ failure.
  • Diagnosis : Throat/nasopharyngeal/nasal swabs for viral detection by RT-PCR.
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Note : The virus can survive on hard surfaces (steel, wood, plastics) for up to 48 hours, porous surfaces for up to 12 hours, on hands and skin for few minutes.

Infection control practices to be followed :

  • Hand hygiene!!!
  • Standard precautions (Mask)
  • Vaccination for high risk groups
  • Cover your cough
  • Proper disposal of infectious waste

Clinical categorization of H1N1

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Vaccination for H1N1

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